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Barrage has been home to many successful tournaments in recent years and this year is no different - we will be hosting our Blaze of Glory (BoG) V Bolt Action tournament ; Bloodbowl 'Stafford Scramble III'; XWing Tournament 'Let the Wookie Win' and SAGA the dark ages skirmish gameWarhammer 40k tournament 'War in the Rift' and new for 2019 - Warmachine.


All of the tournaments games will commence at 9.30am. with registration from 9am. All games should conclude around 4.30pm followed by awards and prize giving.  We have kept the price of all our tournament at just £12 and this includes the cost of entry to the show  (normally £4).


For the Bolt Action 'Blaze of Glory' all tournament lists should be submitted no later than 10th June by email to the TO.


During the day there will be plenty of time to get around the rest of the show. Please note food and drinks are not provided but refreshments will be available to purchase. We also have a bring and buy, so why not take the opportunity to sell a few of your unwanted items while you are here.


Please note that the show is open to the public and as such we cannot be held responsible for the loss, theft  or damage to any figure, players are responsible for their own figures while at the show. 


If you are unable to attend on the day please could you email us immediately, If you let us know at least 14 days before the date of the show we will provide you with a full refund. If it is within the 14 days please let us know so we can try and fill the place.

Tickets on are on sale from

10am on Saturday 15th February

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Bolt Action - Blaze of Glory


WWII Allied and Axis Generals do battle over three games. Each game consisting of 1000 points. We have space for 20 players. Please note that Army lists for this tournament must be submitted no late than 14th June. 

Tournament Official: Mike Wright

The tournament pack is available below and tickets are available through the Eventbrite page (link below)

Download the

Tournament Pack:

If you have any question regarding this tournament please send an email to

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Warhammer 40K- War in the Rift


We have limited space for 20 players in this tournament. The tournament will consist of 3 games last 2 hours each. 


Tournament Official:  Josh Cope

The tournament pack is available below and tickets can be purchased from the paypal link below.

Download the

Tournament Pack:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

If you have any question regarding this tournament please send an email to

SAGA image1.png
SAGA - Skirmish battles
in the Ages of Crusades
We have limited space for 16 players in this tournament. The tournament will consist of 3 games last 2 hours each using three separate scenarios - More details are in the event pack below.

Tournament Official: Joe Messenger

The tournament pack is available below and tickets can be purchased from the paypal link below.

Download the

Tournament Pack:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

If you have any question regarding this tournament please send an email to

let the wookie win III image 1.png
Xwing - Let the Wookie Win
We have space for 32 players in this tournament.  Seb is back as TO need we say anymore.

Tournament Official: Seb Brady

The tournament pack is available below and tickets can be purchased from the paypal link below.

Download the

Tournament Pack:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

If you have any question regarding this tournament please send an email to

Bloodbowl image1.png
Blood Bowl - Stafford Scramble
We have limited space for 32 players in this tournament. The tournament will consist of 3 games last 2 hours each.  This tournament is part of the Bloodbowl West Midlands Championship - click here for more details or on the Facebook page.

Tournament Official: Jason Thornton (Tritex Games)

The tournament pack is available from link below and tickets can be purchased from the paypal link below.

Stafford Scramble is part of

BB - Championship Series.png
PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

If you have any question regarding this tournament please send an email to

Download the

Tournament Pack:

Warmachine image 1.png
Warmachine -
Powerfist Summer Slam
We have limited space for 16 players in this tournament. The tournament will consist of 3 games last 2 hours each.  

Tournament Official: Jonathan Clarke

The tournament pack is available below and tickets can be purchased from the paypal link below.

Download the

Tournament Pack:

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

If you have any question regarding this tournament please send an email to

© 2017 by Stafford Wargames. 

Stafford Wargames is a non-profit making organisation. Any surplus is donated to Charity

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