Blessed William High School.
Our 2018 venue will accommodate 40+ Traders, more participation games and host tournaments and provide a 'Bring and Buy'.
The school is centrally located in Stafford, being only 5 minutes walk from the Railway Station. There is plenty of space for parking (250+ cars). There is a Tesco (cashpoint) and The Kings Horse (Hungry Horse) PH less than 5 minutes walk away.
Please note that the school buildings and grounds are strictly no smoking (including vaping). Please can all visitors to the show adhere to this rule.
The venue is on Rowley Avenue which is just off the Newport Road (A518) in Stafford. For those driving please follow signs for A518 for Telford/Newport from the town centre. If you are using a sat-nav the postcode is ST17 9AB but please note that we have been advised that it could send you into Brunswick Terrace which is the street before Rowley Avenue, as you leave the town centre.
Please note that you cannot access Rowley Avenue from Crescent Road (off the Wolverhampton Road - A449). Crescent Road is a private road with a barrier.

Blessed William Howard High School
Rowley Avenue
ST17 9AB